
Showing posts from December, 2017

Visit from school nurse

The School Nurse came and talked to the P3's about how to keep themselves clean and healthy. They revisited the Eat Well plate and the importance of a good nights sleep.

Christmas Party

The P3 Christmas Party hosted by Mrs Spence Santa, Rudolph, Elf Santa, Rudolph, Elf Santa, Rudolph, Elf Santa, Rudolph, Elf Purple People Eater Purple People Eater Conga Snack Time Snack Time Snack Time Snack Time Snack Time Snack Time Snack Time Snack Time Pass the Parcel Pass the Parcel Pass the Parcel Pass the Parcel Hokey Cokey

Christmas Concert

A Tale of Two Birthdays The Three Kings The Queens The Guests The Announcers The Servants   The Narrators The Sergeant and the Soldiers The Eastern Dancers Daniel and the Sand Dancers The Angels The Innkeeper, Mary & Joseph and the Shepherds