Senses Plan-Do-Review

All P3 classes had the experience of a Plan-Do-Review session based on our Senses.



Quotes from some of the pupils after completing the Plan-Do-Review session:

"I liked the junk because I made a junk dog."  Hayley 3S

"I enjoyed the wet tuff spot because it was really fun."  Millie 3M

"I liked the reading corner as we listened to the sounds."  Sean 3S

"I liked the dry tuff spot as I liked the animals."  Fergus 3M

"I enjoyed the story creating as I was a dolphin and someone else was a giant."  Ziggy 3S

"I was in the writing area and I made a poster."  Lena 3E

"I liked feeling the blind peoples sheet."  Sarah Se 3M


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